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the earliest embroidery—chain stitch, buttonhole or blanket stitch, running stitch, satin stitch, cross stitch—remain the fundamental techniques of hand emb...
Today I will show long bullion knot stitch embroidery designs ।। long french knotIn this channel we showhand embroidery designs । Today's one is about how...
Hand Embroidery: Hand Stitch: Long French Knots This video channel contains lot of Hand Embroidery work designs. Embroidery stitches come in different types an...
Hi, This is "Rifahs Ideas". This channel is about easy hand embroidery designs for beginners.Today the subject of my videos is how to do a woven wheel stitc...
Hand Embroidery Bullion Knot Stitch and Back stitch ||Hand Embroidery Design || Flower Sticks#Flower#Design#Hand#Embroidery#Tutorials#Bullion#Knot#Back#Stitch...